Screenwriters in Series
Who makes TV series? What’s their process? Where do they find inspiration?
Screenwriters in Series gives the public an inside look at screenwriting from the writers themselves, who discuss their background, craft and inspirations through real-life examples and popular series.
The intimate setting – a writers’ room with the classic diagram of story arcs – immerses the audience in the creative process.
1 – Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat
2 – Sarah Farkas
3 – Alice Chegaray-Breugnot & Julien Anscutter
4 – Jérémie Galan
5 – Virginie Brac
6 – Noémie Saglio
7 – Julien Lilti
8 – Valentine Milville & José Caltagirone
9 – Déborah Hassoun
10 – Coline Assous & Mohamed Benyekhlef
The screenwriters interviewed
Clémence Madeleine Perdrillat
(Nona et ses filles)
Noémie Saglio
(Plan Cœur, Connasse)
Coline Assous & Mohamed Benyekhlef
(Ici tout commence)
Sarah Farkas
(Hors saison, Vortex)
Virginie Brac
(Engrenages, Cheyenne & Lola)
Jérémie Galan
(La flamme, Le flambeau)
Julien Lilti
(Hippocrate, Germinal, Oussekine)
Déborah Hassoun
(SKAM France, Je te Promets )
Julien Anscutter et Alice Chegaray-Breugnot
José Caltagirone & Valentine Milville

L’équipe technique
Sébastien Sort
Producteur exécutif
Benjamin Phuong Dung
Chef opérateur image
Antoine Carpentier
Chef décorateur
Patrick Durand
Chef opérateur son
Christophe Penchenat
Chef monteuse
Stéphanie Dumesnil
Camille Durand-Rival